We are happy to help you find the perfect class for your child. Please call 702-633-5500 for more information and registration assistance.
BKA 12 Month Program Breakdown
We have learned at BKA that students who continue developing their skills year round actually retain the things they have learned and progress faster. Our BKA Curriculum runs for 12 months and provides them with some of the very best educational opportunities in the performing arts. Our students attend weekly classes and will perform twice a year on stage in full Plays and Recitals complete with costumes, sets, props, microphones and sound and lights! Because our classes are so popular, class spaces are limited, so a waiting list is available. Students will attend classes weekly at the Studio of their choice. The first class is full price and there is a $10.00 discount per month on each additional class they take. The TRIPLE THREAT Program receive the deepest discounts. There is no limit on how many classes they can take. They will choose classes from the following areas of specialty.
MUSICAL THEATER PROGRAM ages 3 – 18 years old
Musical Theater Classes Descriptions
"Tiny Stars": Ages 3-4
This class is Musical Theater for preschoolers ages 3 & 4 yrs. in our outstanding TINY STARS program. Once a week, little ones come for one hour and enter the amazing world of the performing arts in our theater. They learn the beginning Triple Threat techniques including Singing, Dancing and Acting as they dress up in wonderful costumes complete with crowns, swords, wands, tiaras, tutus and more, actually practicing weekly on stage. At the end of each session they perform on stage in full costume in a darling little Revue show from some of their favorite Disney and Broadway productions complete with choreography, singing and acting. It is so fun to watch their confidence develop as they build their skills on stage. This class is the perfect introduction to the amazing world of Musical Theater for these adorable little ones and they are adorable! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
"Twinkles": Ages 3 - 5
Is your child constantly singing, dancing, twirling, acting and pretending they are someone else? Are they so shy that they just need some experience in front of people to open up? Well, we want to introduce to our "Broadway Twinkles" program for 4 & 5 years old. These kids meet for one hour a week and learn songs, dances and scenes from some of the very best shows Broadway has ever produced. They learn audition skills as well! They will develop confidence and character as they learn to express themselves on the stage through the performing arts. They will end each semester with a live performance in full costume, onstage, under the lights! You will love watching these little ones develop their dancing, acting and singing skills each week. Your kids will just love their journey as a “TWINKLE” in the wonderful world of the performing arts! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
"Showstoppers": Ages 6-8
Does your child dream of being on stage? Do they sing, dance and pretend to be a prince or princess, or even a hero or villain? Then, this is the class for them. This weekly two-hour class is designed for children ages 6-8 yrs. old. This class is designed to give all our 6-8 year old students experience on stage and to develop their talents in Singing, Dancing and Acting. This helps them become more comfortable with performing in front of others as well as to become Triple Threat performers. They will love the thrill of the stage and the spotlight. Their confidence will soar as their talents develop and at the end of each semester they will get to perform two times with their classmates on stage with all the lights, wireless headsets, sound and costumes. They will love being a part of a fantastic show with their wonderful classmates and amazing directors! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
"Stars": Ages 8-10
BKA is so proud to offer all students between the ages of 8 and 10 years an opportunity to participate in our very popular “STARS” class. This class is one of our most popular classes and children just love it! Students study singing, dancing and acting for the stage, specializing in Musical Theater. This weekly two-hour class is designed for children ages 6-8 yrs. Old. These kids learn to focus more fully and have training in singing, dancing and acting. They often become very passionate about the performing arts and love the thrill of the stage and the spotlight. They will learn Acting, Singing and Dancing techniques together with other students as they participate in their class' own Broadway or Disney play. Their confidence will soar as their talents develop and at the end of each semester they will get to perform two times with their classmates on stage with all the lights, wireless headsets, sound and costumes. Our “STARS” students love being a part of a fantastic show with their wonderful classmates and amazing directors! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
"Encore": Ages 11-12 BKA is so proud to offer our very popular "ENCORE" Musical Theater class for students ages 11-12 years old. This is a core class for these middle- age students. Students study singing, dancing and acting for the stage, specializing in Musical Theater. This weekly two-hour class is designed for children who are beginning Jr. High. These kids learn to focus more fully and have training in singing, dancing and acting. They often become very passionate about the performing arts and love the thrill of the stage and the spotlight. They will learn Acting, Singing and Dancing techniques together with other students as they participate in their class' own Broadway or Disney play. Their confidence will soar as their talents develop and at the end of each semester they will get to perform two times with their classmates on stage with all the lights, wireless headsets, sound and costumes. Our “ENOCRE” students love being a part of a fantastic show with their wonderful classmates and amazing directors! They will also develop character skills such as hard work, self-discipline and team spirit and they learn audition techniques as well. This class meets two hours per week. The goal is to help them become strong Triple Threat performers and this class is essential to their progression. They perform in two big shows during the semester. This kids just have so much fun all while learning so much! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
"Bravo": Ages 13-14
BKA is so proud to offer our very popular "BRAVO" Musical Theater class for students ages 13-14 years old. This is a core class for these middle-age students. They study more singing, dancing and acting for the stage, specializing in Musical Theater. This class meets for two hours and will perform twice per semester. This class is designed for children in upper Jr. High and High School Freshman. These kids learn to focus more fully and have training in singing, dancing and acting. They often become very passionate about the performing arts and love the thrill of the stage and the spotlight. They will learn Acting, Singing and Dancing techniques together with other students as they participate in their class' own Broadway or Disney play. Their confidence will soar as their talents develop and at the end of each semester they will get to perform two times with their classmates on stage with all the lights, wireless headsets, sound and costumes. Our “BRAVO” students love being a part of a fantastic show with their wonderful classmates and amazing directors! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
This class meets for two hours and will perform twice per semester. They will also develop character skills such as hard work, self-discipline and team spirit and they learn audition techniques as well. This class is so exciting and fun. Space is Limited. Early registration is recommended.
"Applause": Ages 15+ For all our ages 14+ teenage performers BKA is so proud to offer our very popular "APPLAUSE" Musical Theater class. This is our oldest Musical Theater performing group and is for high school age students only. This is a core class for these students. Students study more advanced singing, dancing and acting for the stage, specializing in Musical Theater. This class meets for two hours and will perform two-four times per semester. They often also become very passionate about the performing arts and love the thrill of the stage and the spotlight. They will learn Acting, Singing and Dancing techniques together with other students as they participate in their class' own Broadway or Disney play. Their confidence will soar as their talents develop and at the end of each semester they will get to perform two times with their classmates on stage with all the lights, wireless headsets, sound and costumes. Our “APPLAUSE” students love being a part of a fantastic BROADWAY show with their wonderful classmates and amazing directors! They will also develop character skills such as hard work, self-discipline and team spirit and they learn audition techniques as well. This course is designed to help our students prepare for professional experiences. They truly shine on stage because they are a part of something very special! Space is limited. Early Registration is advised. Production Fee required.
Performance Company Program Ages 3-18
All Performance Company Classes Description
BKA is excited to offer all children ages 3 – 18 years old the outstanding opportunity to be in our new Performance Company classes. Each semester your children are going to learn techniques in how to sing and dance on stage both at BKA and in the community. They will learn pitch, tone, support, beats and rhythms, shine factor and dance techniques including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical and more for their appropriate ages. Just like in choir, they will study different kinds of music including traditional, religious, pop, jazz, holiday (including Christmas and Hanukah) and more. You will see them perform in amazing professional shining costumes complete with sound, mics and lights on our professional stages. They will also perform two to four times in the community each semester and will have the opportunity to be in parades on our amazing travelling stage. They may also be performing for charities and non-profits organizations as well on their stages and in other venues in the community. This program is Show Choir at it’s best! Your kids are just going to love learning to sing, dance and shine on stage to some of the best songs and choreography of Broadway, Disney and more! They will perform solos and groups numbers in complete "Show Choir” fashion. You will see their confidence grow and their "Shine Factor" will wow you as their talents grow and progress. We have classes for all ages. Lots of stage time and lots of fun! This class is must for all students who love to Sing and Dance and perform!
Performance Company Classes
TWINKLES" Performance Company – ages 3-5 years old (beginning level performers)
"SPARKLES" Performance Company – ages 6-7 years old (beginning level performers)
"SHOWSTOPPERS" Performance Company – ages 6 -7 years old (more experienced performers)
"STARMAKERS" Performance Company – ages 8 – 10 years old (beginning level)
"STARS" Performance Company – ages 8 – 10 years old
"ENCORE" Performance Company – ages 11-12 years old
"BRAVO" Performance Company – ages 13 -14 years old
"APPLAUSE" Performance Company - ages 15 – 18 years old
Feel free to contact us at 702-633-5500 us if you have any questions. We are so excited to help your child’s dreams come true!
*As a part of their proper training in the performing arts it is necessary for teachers to appropriately touch students to assist them in their posture, blocking and placement in their Acting, Singing and Dancing techniques. All younger and preschool age children require more appropriate physical interaction in their education as well. BKA teachers and Staff are professionally trained and certified in how to professionally and appropriately interact with children.